10 yd bin – up to 36 sqs of asphalt shingles (3-tab or light laminate)
14 yd bin – up to 46 sqs of asphalt shingles (3-tab or light laminate)
20 yd bin – up to 20 sqs of wood shingles (Due to weight, we are unable to rent a 20yd for asphalt shingles)
Call us for a quote on large jobs involving multiple dumpsters for discounted prices.
Note: how shingles are removed can influence how much will fit in a bin. Rolling-up the shingles will take more space and lower the number of squares that will fit in the bin.
Modified Bitumen, BUR, or other flat roofing material can vary widely on the amount that will fit into a bin due to thickness of material, number of layers, substrate, and how removed. Call us with information regarding you job and we would be happy help estimate the size of dumpster needed of the job.
$355 (6 yd bin for “Clean” material only in OKC Metro only)
Due to weight, we can only rent 6 yd bins for jobs involving large amounts of dirt, rock, brick, or concrete.
If kept “clean”, we can recycle the material. “Clean” means dirt, rock, brick, and concrete (which can include the embedded rebar). No paper, plastic, wood, household, landscaping, or other trash is allowed. Recycling centers are very strict as the material is going directly back into the environment.
6 yd bin will hold up to 225sf of 4 inch concrete slab or 6 yds of dirt, rock, or brick.